AWS Glacier Vs. AWS S3 Standard - A Comprehensive Comparison

August 25, 2021


When it comes to cloud storage solutions, AWS has established itself as the industry leader, offering a range of services to cater to diverse storage needs. Two popular options are AWS Glacier and AWS S3 Standard, which have been designed to serve different purposes.

At first glance, Glacier and S3 Standard may seem like they have overlapping functionalities but taking a closer look, we can see that they are two very distinct products catering to specific storage use cases.

In this blog post, we aim to provide you with a detailed, impartial comparison of AWS Glacier vs. AWS S3 Standard to help you make an informed decision on which is the best option for you.

AWS Glacier

AWS Glacier is a low-cost, secure, and durable storage service aimed at long-term data archiving. It's an ideal choice if you need to store large volumes of data that you do not plan to access frequently. Glacier integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, making it an excellent option if you're already using AWS for your other cloud storage needs.

Benefits of AWS Glacier

1. Cost-Effective

AWS Glacier is an extremely cost-effective storage solution, with costs as low as $0.004 per gigabyte (GB) per month. It offers a tiered pricing structure, where costs reduce as data volumes increase.

2. Durability

AWS Glacier is designed to offer 99.999999999% durability, which means that your data is stored securely and is less susceptible to data loss or corruption. It also offers multiple layers of security, including encryption, access control, and audit logs.

3. Long-Term Archiving

AWS Glacier is perfect for long-term data archiving requirements. It offers multiple retrieval options, including Expedited, Standard, and Bulk, depending on your data retrieval frequency and volume.

AWS S3 Standard

AWS S3 Standard is designed for frequent data access, where data needs to be readily available. It offers high-performance, low-latency storage, making it an ideal option for database backups, web and mobile applications, content distribution, and other similar use cases.

Benefits of AWS S3 Standard

1. High Performance

AWS S3 Standard offers high-performance storage, with low latency and high throughput, enabling quick data access and retrieval.

2. Easy Accessibility

AWS S3 Standard is easily accessible from anywhere, using popular standard API's and SDKs. It also offers seamless integration with a range of AWS services, making it an ideal option for a wide variety of use cases.

3. Durability

AWS S3 Standard is designed to offer 99.999999999% durability, similar to AWS Glacier, ensuring your data is always secure and available.

Glacier vs. S3 Standard – A Detailed Comparison

Comparison Criteria AWS Glacier AWS S3 Standard
Cost Very low cost, ranging from $0.004 to $0.09 per GB per month Slightly higher costs, ranging from $0.023 to $0.05 per GB per month
Storage Type Cold storage for long-term data archiving Hot storage for frequent data access
Accessibility Retrieval times can vary from minutes to hours, depending on the retrieval tier selected Immediate access to data, with low latency and high throughput
Durability Offers 99.999999999% durability Offers 99.999999999% durability
Performance Slow retrieval times, with retrieval fees applicable High-performance storage, with low latency and high throughput
API Compatibility Compatible with Amazon S3 API with some limitations Fully compatible with Amazon S3 API


In summary, AWS Glacier and AWS S3 Standard are two excellent storage options catering to different needs. AWS Glacier is an ideal option if you need to store large amounts of data that you do not plan to access frequently, whereas AWS S3 Standard is designed for frequent data access.

When deciding between the two, you need to consider the type of data you're storing, your retrieval frequency, and your budget. Both services offer industry-standard durability and security, and seamless integration with other AWS services.

We hope that this comparison has enabled you to make an informed decision on selecting the best storage option for your needs.


  1. AWS Glacier Documentation
  2. AWS S3 Standard Documentation

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